What You Need to Know About Parasites

  • Post category:Probiotics

Parasites: If these tiny, potentially destructive organisms aren’t yet on your health radar, they should be! While parasitic infections aren’t as common in the United States as in less developed regions, they can still occur, leaving mysterious symptoms in their wake. Understanding exactly how parasites affect your body (and how to avoid them) can help you preserve your health for years to come. 

What Are Parasites?

Parasites are a type of organism that feeds off of a host to survive. This is usually at the expense of the host, leading to parasitic infections and various other health problems. Some of the most common types of parasites are:

  • Protozoa are single-celled organisms that can cause infectious diseases, including malaria, giardia, and toxoplasmosis. 
  • Ectoparasites are parasites that live on the host’s skin, including ticks, lice, and fleas. 
  • Helminths are parasitic worms, such as tapeworms, roundworms, and trematodes. 

Certain factors can lead to parasitic exposure, including:

  • Contaminated food and water
    • Drinking contaminated tap water
    • Eating raw or undercooked meat and dish
    • Swimming in contaminated water
    • Eating crops irrigated with contaminated water
    • Eating food prepared by people who didn’t wash their hands after using the bathroom
  • Direct contact with a vector, like a mosquito
  • Traveling to regions, including tropical destinations, with a higher risk of parasite exposure

What Causes Increases Susceptibility to Parasites?

Some people are more attractive hosts to parasites due to certain health factors, including:

  • Poor immunity
  • Leaky gut syndrome, or intestinal permeability, can allow parasites to easily reach your bloodstream. 
  • High toxic load from exposure to heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, and mold can compromise your liver and gut health

Symptoms of Parasitic Infection

Parasitic infections are notoriously difficult to treat, as the symptoms vary greatly and can point to other conditions. With that in mind, possible symptoms include:

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms including nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea that may contain mucus, blood, or stringy material
  • Cognitive changes, including brain fog, headaches, confusion, and difficulty focusing
  • Mood changes, anxiety, and depression
  • Joint pain
  • Skin rashes
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Light sensitivity
  • Food sensitivities
  • Allergy symptoms

Practicing good hygiene, following travel safety guidelines, and improving your gut health can all help protect you against parasitic infection. Schedule an appointment at Body Flow Wellness today to learn how we can support your digestive health and detoxify your body.